The TLCC Memorabilia Catalog
Page M2 - c. 1957 to 1985 Miscellaneous Items -
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If you have any
items that are missing here, please contact
Norm Mikat. |
M-4 Tacoma Coin Club photo (2½ inch square) from early club meeting. |
Tacoma Coin Club photo (5 x 7 inches) from early club banquet.
Left-to-right: Richard Enearl, Frank Enearl, Frank Fazio, George Gookim,
Jack Rand, Betty Doll, Vic Droege.
This photo can also be found in the M-1 scrapbook. |
M-6 Tacoma Coin Club board meeting minutes, July 24, 1959 (8½ x 11 sheet). |
Tacoma Coin Club newspaper article, Sunday, March 9, 1969, titled Costly
Coin To Be Seen At Show, regarding appearance of Aubrey Bebee specimen
of 1913 Liberty Head Nickel at the TCC's 11th annual coin show, March 14-16, 1969.
Photo: Byron Frost (TCC President), Mrs. Ednamae Klein (TCC Editor), Mrs.
Mary Brown (TCC Secretary), Frank Sherman (standing, TCC Show Co-Chairman).
Also see S69-1 souvenir. |
Page from PNNA banquet program, "45 Years Ago" (1940-1985), making reference
to a former coin club in Tacoma organized in 1941, the year after the PNNA
was founded in 1940 (by Oregon Numismatic Society and Seattle Coin Club
members). Nothing else is known about this former club.
Presumably it disbanded quickly because of the war effort. |