Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage M1 - 1957 to c. 1968 Miscellaneous Items - Index | Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
If you have any items that are missing here, please contact Norm Mikat. |
M-1 Tacoma Coin Club Chronicle. Large format scrapbook (11¾ x 14½ inches, pages 11½ x 14 inches). Documents early history of the TCC and lists past presidents from 1957 (Frank Enearl) to 1968 (George Booth). |
M-2 Lakewood Center Coin Club Scrap Book. Large format scrapbook (13 x 18 inches, pages 12 x 18 inches). Presented by J.W. Kiewik. Documents early history of the LCCC including first club meeting in August of 1963. |