Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 5 - 1969 to 1970 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
S69-1 wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC Coin Show, March 14-16, 1969, Tacoma, Washington 1,000 made As noted on the wood, one of the five known 1913 Liberty Head Nickels was on display at this coin show! (Also see M-7 newspaper article.) |
1969 S69-2 banquet favor. Inner envelopes contain Series 1963B $1 Federal Reserve Notes with serial numbers L97753400F to 499F (100 made), 3 x 6¾ inches Tacoma Coin Club Annual Banquet, June 20, 1969, Tacoma, Washington |
S70-1 wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC Coin Show, March 20-22, 1970, Tacoma, Washington 2,000 made As noted on the wood, this coin show was held at the Sherwood Inn, where the club continued to hold shows until the late 1980's. |
S70-2 banquet favor with 1963 and 1970-S Lincoln Cents on foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. No insert card identifying the event. Lakewood Coin Club Annual Banquet, 1970 Foam color varieties known: green, orange (1 of each known). |
S70-3 banquet favor with 1970-S Lincoln Cent, 1970-D Roosevelt Dime and 1970-D Washington Quarter on foam in a 2-1/8 x 3 inch hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Tacoma Coin Club Annual Banquet, June 19, 1970 Foam color varieties known: red, purple. |