Tacoma-Lakewood Coin ClubTLCC is a non-profit corporation registered in the State of Washington.Address: TLCC c/o Todd Hughes, 1910 East 4th Ave #41, Olympia, WA 98506. |
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ANA 29685; Revised 20 November 2002 These Bylaws and Club Policies were replaced by the current (Dec. 2018) Bylaws and Procedures/Policies, and are retained for historical purposes. Article IName Sec.1 The name of the club is "Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club," as incorporated with the State of Washington in February 1988. Article IIObject and Purpose Sec. 1 The purpose of this club is to promote interest in numismatics, through a sound program of education and fellowship, as a non-profit association. Article IIIMembership, Eligibility and Privileges Sec. 1 The Club consists of Life, Regular and Junior Members. Sec. 2 Life and Junior Members are considered as Regular Members and may hold office and vote. Juniors under 15 may not vote or hold office. All members may participate in all Club activities equally, except as noted above. Sec. 3 Life memberships can only be awarded by the Board for meritorious service. Sec. 4 Any individual, 18 years of age or older, is eligible for Regular membership. Sec. 5 Any individual, under 18 years of age, is eligible for Junior membership. Sec. 6 Applications for membership, with the advance dues, will be submitted to the Treasurer, and will be read at two regular meetings. If there are no objections by the second reading, membership is automatic. Sec. 7 Any member may call for a secret ballot on applicants. A unanimous vote is necessary for acceptance with the exclusion of two no votes. If denied, the applicants advance dues will be returned and he or she may reapply after one year. Sec. 8 The dues are as follows:
Sec. 9 Memberships are not transferable. Article IVResignation, Suspension and Reinstatement Sec. 1 Dues are payable to the Treasurer at the first meeting in January. Members who fail to pay their dues by March 1st are suspended and their names will be dropped from the membership rolls without further notice. Any member who has resigned or was suspended for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated upon payment of current dues and will receive his or her original membership number. Article VOfficers and their Duties Sec. 1 The elected officers of the Club are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Curator and four Directors. Sec. 2 The President has general supervision over all Club functions. Duties include but are not limited to:
Sec. 3 The duties of Vice President are to:
Sec. 4 The duties of Secretary are to:
Sec. 5 The duties of Treasurer are to:
Sec. 6 The duties of Curator are to:
Sec. 7 The duties of Librarian are to:
Sec. 8 The duties of News Editor are to:
Sec. 9 The Board of Directors consists of the elected officers of the Club. The Board has power to act on all Club business, including but not limited to:
Sec. 10 Five Board members constitute a quorum. With a quorum present, a simple majority of Club members present at a business meeting is necessary for passage of any resolution. In the event of any urgent business, telephonic or email approval by five Board members is necessary to act. Article VIFiscal Year and Elections Sec. 1 The fiscal years starts the 1st of January. Sec. 2 Elected officers will serve two years with two Directors rotating yearly. Sec. 3 Nominations of officers will be made in November and December at a regular meeting.
Article VIIMiscellaneous Sec. 1 All business, except elections and new members, will be conducted at business meetings, which are open to all members. Members present may vote, but may not otherwise participate unless called upon by the President. Sec. 2 Proposed amendments to the Bylaws will be read at two consecutive business meetings of the Club. Two-thirds approval of members present at the second meeting is necessary for passage. Sec. 3 Club Policies and auction rules, as set by the Board, will be stated separately from these Bylaws. Sec. 4 All members will receive a copy of the Bylaws, Club Policies and Auction Rules. Sec. 5 The Club will maintain liability insurance for all Club meetings and coin conventions in an amount set by the Board. Sec. 6 In the event of dissolution of the Club, all properties of the Club will be donated to the Washington State Historical Society, Tacoma branch, as per the articles of incorporation. In the event of a merger with another club, all assets will be transferred to the new parent club. No individual shall benefit financially from such dissolution or merger. This revision of the Bylaws, Club Policies and Auction Rules was prepared by: Norman Mikat. |
1. Bourse Participation
2. Raffles and Bingo
3. Club PropertyUpon receipt of written application, Club property may be loaned or rented to members or non-members by action of the Board. The borrower or renter is responsible for returning said items in good condition or replacing them. A deposit may be required. 4. Past PresidentsUpon a President leaving office, a suitable plaque will be awarded as decided on by the Board and a small tab will be added to the Clubs Presidents stand. 5. StipendsAt the option of the Board, deserving members may be given a stipend, up to $500.00, with which they may attend designated conventions or seminars as the Club representative. |