Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 4 - 1967 to 1968 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
S67-1 banquet favor with 1963-D and 1967 Lincoln Cents on foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. (Dimensions for this type of holder do not include the hinges or snap.) Lakewood Coin Club 4th Anniversary Banquet, 1967 Foam color varieties known: yellow, green. |
S67-2 banquet favor with 1957-D and 1967 Lincoln Cents on black foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Tacoma Coin Club 10th Anniversary Banquet, 1967 |
S68-1 wooden nickel, 38 mm Black obverse and reverse This piece advertised the Tacoma Coin Club's (new?) meeting location at the Fircrest Recreation Center, where it remained until the mid 1980's. |
S68-2 wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC Annual Show in conjunction with the Daffodil Festival, April 5-7, 1968, Tacoma, Washington Black obverse and reverse |
S68-3 banquet favor with 1963 and 1968-S Lincoln Cents on purple foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Lakewood Coin Club 5th Anniversary Banquet, 1968 |
S68-4 banquet favor with 1968-S Lincoln Cent and 1957 (D?) Jefferson Nickel on foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Tacoma Coin Club Annual Banquet, June 21, 1968 Foam color varieties known: red, yellow. |