Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 9 - 1978 to 1980 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
S78-1 wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC Coin Show, March 11-12, 1978, Tacoma, Washington 1,000 made This wood also advertises the club's regular meeting date and location at the Fircrest Recreation Center. |
S78-2a banquet favor with 1964 Lincoln Cent S78-2b banquet favor with 1969 Washington Quarter Both in 2 x 2 inch flip stapled to pink envelope Lakewood Coin Club annual banquet, January 13, 1978 S78-2a: 1 known; S78-2b: 2 known. |
1978 S78-3 banquet favor. Inner envelopes contain Series 1974 $1 Federal Reserve Notes with serial numbers L08084800H to 899H (100 made), 3-1/8 x 6½ inches Tacoma Coin Club 21st Anniversary Banquet, June 16, 1978, Tacoma, Washington |
S79-1 banquet favor with 1977-D Eisenhower Dollar in a 2½ inch square holder with scalloped edges with a 1-7/8 x ½ inch sticker attached TCC Annual Dinner, June 15, 1979, Tacoma, Washington |
S80-1 banquet favor with 1972 Eisenhower Dollar in a 2½ inch square holder with scalloped edges with a 1-7/8 x ½ inch sticker attached TCC Annual Dinner, June 20, 1980, Tacoma, Washington |