Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 10 - 1981 to 1982 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
S81-1 banquet favor with 1979-D Anthony Dollar in a 2 x 2 inch holder with a 1½ x 5/8 inch sticker attached TCC 24th Annual Dinner, June 19, 1981, Tacoma, Washington |
S82-1a wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC meeting date / location piece Black obverse and black reverse with Indian 500 made |
S82-1b wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC meeting date / location piece Black obverse and brown reverse with buffalo 1 known |
S82-1c wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC meeting date / location piece Black obverse and black reverse with buffalo 500 made |
S82-1d wooden nickel, 38 mm TCC meeting date / location piece Black obverse and green reverse with buffalo 1 known |
S82-2 banquet favor with 1959-D Washington Quarter in a 2 x 2 inch holder with handwritten "1982 LCC A" LCC Annual Banquet, 1982 1 known |