Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 16 - 1988 (Continued) to 1989 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. See Past TLCC Semi-Annual Coin Shows for past shows with and without souvenirs. |
S88-3 wooden nickel, 38 mm TLCC 1st Semi-Annual Coin Show, November 5-6, 1988, Tacoma, Washington Red obverse and red reverse with "TLC" design This interesting piece, designed by Norm Mikat, is the first coin show souvenir of the merged club! |
S88-4 banquet favor with 1957 and 1963 Roosevelt Dimes in a 2 x 2 inch flip with a 1-11/16 inch square insert TLCC Annual Christmas Banquet, December 16, 1988, Tacoma, Washington 50 made |
S89-1 banquet favor with 1961 proof Jefferson Nickel in a 2 x 2 inch flip with a 1¾ inch square insert TLCC Installation Banquet, January 16, 1989, Tacoma, Washington 40 made - other dates of proof nickels were also used |
S89-2 wooden nickel, 38 mm TLCC 2nd Semi-Annual Coin Show, March 11-12, 1989, Tacoma, Washington Green obverse and reverse, 1,000 made This interesting piece features the Washington State Centennial logo on the reverse. |
S89-3a wooden nickel, 38 mm TLCC 3rd Semi-Annual Coin Show, November 4-5, 1989, Tacoma, Washington Blue obverse and reverse, 1,000 made This piece features the new TLCC logo, designed by Eric Holcomb and Norm Mikat. |