Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club |
The TLCC Memorabilia CatalogPage 7 - 1973 to 1975 Souvenirs - Index | Previous Page| Next PageClick on the thumbnail images for a larger version. Copyright information. |
S73-1 banquet favor with 1963 (D?) and 1973-D Jefferson Nickels on black foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Lakewood Coin Club Annual Banquet, 1973 |
S73-2 banquet favor with 1957 (D?) Franklin Half on dark green foam in a 2-1/8 x 3 inch hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Tacoma Coin Club 16th Anniversary Banquet, June 15, 1973 |
S74-1 banquet favor with 1963-D and 1974-D Roosevelt Dimes on black foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Lakewood Coin Club Annual Banquet, 1974 |
S74-2 banquet favor with 1957-D and 1974-D Roosevelt Dimes on black foam in a 2-1/8 inch square hinged plastic holder with snap closure. Tacoma Coin Club 17th Anniversary Banquet, June 21, 1974 |
S75-1 banquet favor with 1975 and 1975-D Lincoln Cents in a 2 x 2 inch holder with a 2 x 5/8 inch gold sticker attached TCC 18th Anniversary Banquet, June 20, 1975, Tacoma, Washington |
1975 S75-2 banquet favor. Inner envelopes contain Series 1969C $1 Federal Reserve Notes with serial numbers L23389700C to 799C (100 made), 3-1/8 x 6½ inches Tacoma Coin Club 18th Anniversary Banquet, June 20, 1975, Tacoma, Washington |